
Obtaining fmm2d

The source code can be downloaded from


This library is supported for unix/linux, Mac OSX, and Windows.

For the basic libraries

  • Fortran compiler, such as gfortran packaged with GCC

  • GNU make

Quick install instructions

Make sure you have dependencies installed, and cd into your fmm2d directory.

  • For linux, run make install.

  • For Mac OSX, run cp followed by make install.

  • For Windows, run cp followed by make install

This should compile the static library in lib-static/, the dynamic library in lib/ and copy the dynamic library to $(HOME)/lib on Linux, to /usr/local/lib on Mac OSX, and to C:\lib on Windows. The location of the default installation directory can be changed by running:

make install PREFIX=(INSTALL_DIR)

In order to link against the dynamic library, you will have to update the PATH environment variable on Windows, LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable on Linux and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable on Mac OSX to the installation directory. You may then link to the FMM library using the -lfmm2d option.


On MacOSX, /usr/local/lib is included by default in the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.

To verify successful compilation of the program, run make test which compiles some fortran test drivers in test/ linked against the static library, after which it runs the test programs. The last 4 lines of the terminal output should be:

cat print_testreshelm.txt
Successfully completed 27 out of 27 tests in hfmm2d testing suite
Successfully completed 27 out of 27 tests in hfmm2d vec testing suite
rm print_testreshelm.txt

To verify successful installation of the program, and the correct setting for environment variables, run make test-dyn which compiles some fortran test drivers in test/ linked against the dynamic library, after which it runs teh test prgram. The output ofshould be the same as above.

If make test fails, see more detailed instructions below.

If make test-dyn fails with an error about not finding -llibfmm2d_dll or -lfmm2d or libfmm2d make sure that the appropriate environment variables have been set. If it fails with other issues, see more detailed instructions below.

Type make to see a list of other build options (language interfaces, etc). Please see Fortran interfaces and look in examples/ for sample drivers.

If there is an error in testing on a standard set-up, please file a bug report as a New Issue at

Custom library compilation options

In the (default) easy-to-install version, the library is compiled without using the optimized direct evaluation kernels.

In order to disable multi-threading, append OMP=OFF to the make task.

All of these different libraries are built with the same name, so you will have to move them to other locations, or build a 2nd copy of the repo, if you want to keep both versions.

You must do at least make objclean before changing to the openmp /fast direct kernel evaluation options.


  • make examples to compile and run the examples for calling from Fortran.

The examples directory is a good place to see usage examples for Fortran. There are two sample Fortran drivers for Helmholtz FMMs, one which demonstrates the use of FMMs, and one which demonstrates the use of vectorized FMMs.

The sample Helmholtz drivers are hfmm2d_example.f, hfmm2d_vec_example.f, and hfmm2d_legacy_example.f. The corresponding makefiles are hfmm2d_example.make, hfmm2d_vec_example.make, and hfmm2d_legacy_example.make.

Tips for installing dependencies

On Ubuntu linux

On Ubuntu linux (assuming python3 as opposed to python):

sudo apt-get install make build-essential gfortran

On Fedora/CentOS linux

On a Fedora/CentOS linux system, these dependencies can be installed as follows:

sudo yum install make gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran libgomp

On Mac OSX

First setup Homebrew as follows. If you don’t have Xcode, install Command Line Tools by opening a terminal (from /Applications/Utilities/) and typing:

xcode-select --install

Then install Homebrew by pasting the installation command from

Then do:

brew install gcc

On Windows

Download 64 bit mingw (available here). Follow the install instructions and append to the environment variable PATH the location of the bin directory of your mingw installation.

Download and install make for windows (Available here).

Download and install git for windows (Available here).